Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Simple. Framing.

Citizens of St. Mere-Eglise admire the view of hundreds of paratroopers from the U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) who have descended up on the small town in Normandy to commemorate the 67th anniversary of Operation Overlord, D-Day, on June 6, 2010. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Felix R. Fimbres)
   Let me just say right off the bat, I do like this picture. I do not like this picture with green eggs or ham. I simply do not like this photo.

   But, it's a good example of framing. So, I'm going with it. I know yesterday we had a parachute, well not everyone has a parachute; but pretty much everyone has a window. Or a door. Maybe a door that acts as window? Who knows; lets get back to the subject.

The ONE person in a point of interest is looking off the frame. Not good. 

One of the shutters is well positioned in two points of interest this is good.

Two people are looking across the frame, this is also good. But overall I feel

this photo is just a miss. I guess it's apropos that this photo is missing a 

certain Je ne sais quio. [Did I just get two french words in one sentence about
 a photo I took in Normandy? Win.]
   I'm hoping after you noticed those big huge window shutters after you saw those three people. Odds are you didn't, those shutters are pretty dominating.

   Regarding those people, two of them are looking across the frame, this is good, one is looking off the frame. That killed me.

The chandelier also distracts me.

   But the frame. My goodness the frame is beautiful.

   Set against a great patterned backdrop, the shutters are huge and well balanced against each other. The frame is just begging to be filled by a subject; or maybe a lot of people trying to poke their heads out and catching a glimpse. But sometimes this is just what we get.

   So what went wrong? I think what went wrong is my lust to to get as many rules as possible in each and every single shot I take. Sometimes it's better to focus on just one.

   But as I look at this shot, it reminds me of the parachute photo from yesterday.

The frame is just so dominating that it's hard to get anything else to compete with it. 
      Sure I could have put those two shutters in those four points of interest, had balance, and framing. The people would have added to it. Because they would have been dead center the leading lines of their eyes would have been okay looking off the frame. Not great, but better then the one lady looking off the frame.

   Lessons learned. Framing, is not my forte. Frames, like leading lines can be found anywhere, but be careful, if you find an amazing frame[or an amazing leading line for that matter], maybe the frame itself [or the line in this case] should be your subject.

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