Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Perspective: Up high, Down low

Paratroopers with the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) task force participate in activities commemorating the 67th Anniversary of Operation Overlord— the D-Day landings, while in Normandy, France on June 2, 2011.  (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Felix R. Fimbres)
   Dear visitor of my blog, two days, two posts with more than one photo; lucky you. 

   So, this first photo at first glance may look like just a normal stand up and take a photo of the paratrooper doing stuff. Well, I'm here to let you know, it's not.

You might say, "Lies."

   No truth; check out the photo below. You can clearly see the soldiers are hanging from some contraption off the ground. More so the soldier up top, yeah he's pulling himself up so he's even higher.

For those of you unfamiliar with airborne operations: He's simulating pulling down on his "risers" [those things that are connected to the parachute] to "pull a slip"  which helps you control which way you're going while falling with style; at least a little bit of control anyway these aren't cool Hollywood/Skydiving parachutes, these are made to get you to the ground as quickly as possible without, hopefully, breaking the Soldier]

So, again, like yesterday it's about getting up high; or at least getting to eye level.

   In order to get into the harness the soldiers climb up a movable metal staircase, hook up, and then the stairs are pulled away. So what did I do? Yep, as soon as they moved the stair case I away I was on it.

Needless to say I got the funny looks. But really that's just something you have to get used to when you're looking for unique perspectives; you should ALWAYS be looking for unique perspectives.

Composition may be King; but Perspective is the Queen.

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